Ears Pinned Back When a dog's ears are flat against their head, it's a sign they are feeling threatened or aggressive. The ears may also be held stiffly upright, depending on the breed.
Raised Hackles If the hair on a dog's back and neck stands up, it's a sign they are feeling aggressive or fearful. This is known as raised hackles
Hard Stare A hard, unblinking stare directly at another dog or person is a clear warning sign. The dog's eyes will appear wide and intense
Curled Lip When a dog curls their upper lip to expose their teeth, it's an aggressive gesture. This is sometimes accompanied by a low, rumbling growl.
Tail High and Stiff An upright, unmoving tail that's held high is a sign of arousal and potential aggression. The tail may also wag stiffly from side to side
Stiff Body Posture An aggressive dog will often stand very still with their weight balanced evenly on all four paws. Their body will appear tense and rigid
It's important to recognize these warning signs and give an angry dog space. Avoid direct eye contact, approach them calmly, and don't punish aggressive behavior, as this can make it worse