7 Lesser-Known Facts About the Great Eastern Bluebird

Cavity Nesters: Eastern Bluebirds are cavity nesters and readily use artificial nest boxes, which have significantly helped their population recovery.

Diet Diversity: Although they are primarily insectivorous, bluebirds are omnivores and also consume fruits, berries, and occasionally small amphibians or reptiles.

Courtship Displays: Males perform elaborate courtship displays, bringing nesting materials to the cavity and fluttering around to attract females.

Social Behavior: Outside of the breeding season, bluebirds can form flocks of up to 100 individuals, but they become territorial during nesting.

Remarkable Vision: Bluebirds can spot insects from over 50 yards away, enabling them to hunt effectively.

Multiple Broods: Bluebirds can raise two to three broods in a single breeding season, with young from earlier broods sometimes helping to feed later ones.

Coloration: The blue color of their feathers is not due to pigments but rather the microscopic structure of the feathers that reflects blue light.


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