Ground Wasps Can't Stand This Common Kitchen Cabinet Staple

There are a handful of different kinds of ground-dwelling wasps, and some of them play roles in the ecosystem that could remove their "pest" status.

Clear up uncertainty by learning which wasps are harmless and which to kill.

Solitary wasps, for example, are not a threat to humans. These wasps eat insects, helping control pesky insect populations rather than acting as pests themselves. 

If you discover ground wasp nests in hidden areas of your yard, leaving them alone could be a good choice.

However, if you find one in the path of your mower, even ground wasps who don't tend to sting will rise up against the noisy, destructive threat. 

Before acting, also make sure they're not ground-nesting bees, crucial members of the ecosystem.

You can target yellow jackets with a pretty clean conscience. These guys do indeed sting, and they aren't very efficient pollinators.