Caffeine significantly influences cortisol levels throughout the day, particularly in relation to stress and daily routines.
Cortisol, known as the "stress hormone," follows a circadian rhythm, peaking shortly after waking and gradually declining throughout the day. This natural peak typically occurs between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m.
Research indicates that caffeine consumption can elevate cortisol levels, especially when consumed during these peak times.
For habitual caffeine users, the cortisol response may be blunted, meaning that regular intake can lead to less pronounced increases in cortisol compared to occasional users
This effect is more evident in the morning, as caffeine can further amplify the already high cortisol levels shortly after waking, potentially leading to increased anxiety and other health issues if consumed excessively
While caffeine can enhance alertness and cognitive function, its impact on cortisol may suggest that delaying coffee consumption for a few hours after waking could optimize its effects.
Experts recommend waiting until mid- to late-morning (around 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.) to consume caffeine, as cortisol levels begin to decline during this period, potentially leading to a more effective energizing effect without exacerbating cortisol spikes