Offer nyjer seed and black oil sunflower seeds in tube feeders or sock feeders. Look for feeders with multiple perches to accommodate goldfinches' social feeding habits.
Plant seed-bearing flowers like sunflowers, coneflowers, zinnias, and marigolds. Leave the seed heads on after blooming to provide a natural food source.
Grow native plants like thistle, goldenrod, and dandelions that goldfinches eat and use for nesting material.
Install a shallow bird bath just 1-2 inches deep. Add rocks or sticks for perches. Keep the water clean and consider adding a dripper or mister to attract goldfinches.
Plant dense shrubs and evergreens like arborvitae, boxwood, and elderberry for nesting and cover. Goldfinches prefer to nest 3-10 feet off the ground in vertical forks of branches.
Leave dead flower heads and seed pods on plants over winter to provide food and shelter.
It may take time for goldfinches to discover your offerings. Provide food, water, and shelter consistently and they will eventually visit.